The 10th WEIG-KartonForum in Koblenz with talks and presentations on regulatory and societal topics around the ongoing theme of sustainability, was joined by 150 attendees from over 10 countries.
Those who thought they already knew everything there was to know about the ongoing topic of sustainability, were proven wrong at the 10th WEIG-KartonForum on 18/19 April 2023 in Koblenz. A pitty for those who were not there.
The introductory lecture by economic researcher Prof. Dr. Michael Grömling from the Institut der Wirtschaft, Cologne, on the current economic situation and the economic outlook, was followed by a study on the packaging market by Horváth Partner – presented by partner Christoph Bergmann. It provided a deep dive into the topic. No big surprises here, rather a renewed confirmation: The qualitative study confirmed the disproportionate future opportunities for sustainable packaging made of paper and cardboard.
Download the complete study here:
Study: The Future of the Packaging Industry
In the following, Jenny Walther-Thoß from B+P Consultants’ presentation of the regulatory sustainability ‘tsunami’, triggered by EU Green Deal, was informative and disconcerting at times. Very soon, companies will have to adapt to a multitude of requirements to meet climate targets.
Watch the full expert video by clicking below:
Reiner Mihr, editor-in-chief of Lebensmittel Praxis, described the retail sector’s perspective and its influence on sustainable packaging. Driven by consumer expectations and its own sustainability goals, the trade is exerting pressure via premium brands and its own private labels.
Up next, the lecture by Stephan Horch, an artist and environmental activist, who already was a guest at the WEIG-KartonForum five years ago, was indeed thought-provoking. He reported that nothing has become better – on the contrary. Horch is the founder of the Clean River Project.
The industry’s answer, or even the answer of the entire value chain, was presented by Hans Wortman, Chairman of 4everGreen, an alliance of more than 100 companies in the paper/board industry and their suppliers, board converters, as well as brand manufacturers and retailers. Design for Recycling is one of 4everGreen’s initiatives to push the sustainability of packaging.
The concluding panel discussion, chaired by former Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung business editor Georg Giersberg (“Cardboard increasingly displaces plastic”) brought it to the point again: non-sustainable is not an option.
The conclusion? Anyone who wasn’t there definitely missed out.
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